Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm back...

It has been a year and a few months since I last blogged but I'm back! (or at least I'm attempting to be). I don't really have a reason for my hiatus, I guess I can attribute it to laziness or just a lack of motivation to blog. At the time I felt like all I wrote about was the lack of men in my life, or the sucky ones that were there, eventually I got tired of writing about the same things: being single, hating the single life, wishing I wasn't single...everything seemed to revolve around my relationship status.

It's been a year and things have changed...well not really, I'm still single but I refuse to let that define the essence of "me". So I'm embarking on a new challenge, and changing gears of this blog a bit. I will still talk about the single life, I can't deny that it is a huge part of my life but I will also explore and blog about my other interests: my recent crush on beauty, relocation (this city girl is moving to the boonies, not sure how that's going to go), embarking on a new career and pursuing a second degree, my attempts at healthy and all the other things that come with being a confused 20 something.

I'm learning about the other side of me and I'm inviting you along to watch, follow, peruse, comment, laugh, dance (not sure why you would) but you get the point. I haven't always enjoyed my life and I feel like I've been waiting for something to happen to make my life great but I'm starting to see that if nothing changes, nothing here's to something new.

[Image sourced from Pinterest]

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